Your First Step Starts Here!

Free Advice Session for Parents

  1. Occupational Therapy Advice Clinic

Our occupational therapist is here to help if your child struggles with:
  • Handwriting challenges (like letter formation, pencil grip, or writing speed).

  • Fine motor skills (like using scissors or holding utensils).

  • Gross motor skills (like balance and coordination).

  • Sensory processing (e.g., being overly sensitive to sounds, textures, or lights).

  • Executive skills (like focusing, organising, or managing tasks).

  • Everyday independence (like dressing, feeding, or personal care).

2. Speech Therapy Advice Clinic

Our speech therapist can help with:
  • Speech Sounds: Difficulty pronouncing sounds clearly (e.g., “wabbit” for “rabbit”).

  • Fluency (Stuttering): Interruptions in speech flow, like repetitions or pauses.

  • Language Skills: Trouble understanding or expressing thoughts.

  • Social Communication: Challenges with making friends, turn-taking, or understanding cues.

2. Feeding Therapy Advice Clinic

Are mealtimes a challenge? Our feeding therapist can help if your child:

  • Picky Eating: Refuses certain foods or textures.

  • Limited Diet: Eats only a small variety of foods.

  • Swallowing Issues: Coughs, chokes, or gags during meals.

  • Mealtime Behaviours: Avoids eating or becomes upset during meals.

FAQs Section

  • Who are these clinics for? Parents seeking guidance on their child’s developmental challenges.

  • What happens in the session?

    Our therapist will discuss your concerns, provide expert advice, and suggest next steps.
  • Is the session really free?

    Yes! This is a no-cost session designed to help parents take the first step in supporting their child.
  • Can I book more than one clinic?

    Yes, if your child needs support in multiple areas, feel free to book separate sessions for each clinic.
  • What happens after the session?

    If additional support is needed, we’ll guide you on the next steps, which may include therapy options.

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